TEFCA Framework

Exchange Purposes Explained

Within the TEFCA framework, there are different Exchange Purposes, or XPs, which are the reasons for which information can be requested or shared through TEFCA exchange. There are currently six Exchange Purposes authorized under the Common Agreement and described in the Exchange Purposes (XPs) SOP. Additional exchange purposes may be added over time. 

Current Exchange Purposes Include:

Health Care Operations
Public Health
Government Benefits Determination
Individual Access Serivces

Treatment XP Implementation SOP

The Treatment XP Implementation SOP, which was released in July 2024,  bolsters trust in TEFCA exchange by specifying the conditions under which QHINs, Participants, and Subparticipants are required to respond to a treatment query via TEFCA exchange. To support the continued expansion of TEFCA exchange for treatment to innovative models of care, a standing review process will be established as soon as possible to consider, on an ongoing basis, whether additional use cases qualify for the TEFCA Treatment Exchange Purpose.

Expanding TEFCA Exchange Purposes

The success of TEFCA depends on supporting the interoperability needs of the entire health care community, including consumers, health systems, clinicians, public health agencies, payers, health information networks, and more. A key aspect of broadening trusted exchanged is to fully support all of the TEFCA Exchange Purposes.

Meet the QHINS

The Designated QHINs have been announced!

RCE is proud to introduce the designated Qualified Health Information Networks. 

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