QHIN Cybersecurity Certification


Per Section 12.1.2 of the Common Agreement, QHINs must achieve and maintain third-party certification to an industry-recognized cybersecurity framework demonstrating compliance with all relevant security controls, as set forth in the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP): QHIN Security Requirements for the Protection of TI v1.1. This page lists the certifying bodies that meet the RCE‘s security certification requirements as outlined in the SOP.

Standard Operating Procedure (SOP):

QHIN Security Requirements for the Protection of TI

Rev.1 (updated as of May 2022)

Certification Bodies

Certification bodies providing services that meet these requirements, but that have not yet been utilized by a designated QHIN, may also request approval to be included. A QHIN needs to attain and maintain only one of the approved certifications.
Cybersecurity Certification Body Certification Approval Date Status
HITRUST r2 Validated Assessment 5/10/22 Active

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